Sunday, October 17, 2010

More CarePages Posts

I was going through some papers the other day and found a notebook where someone had printed off my CarePages records. I had forgotten the thing completely. Basically, my dad created the thing to keep himself sane and keep everyone in the loop on my progress. It really took me back, and showed me how far I've come. I thought maybe I would share a few bits with you from dad's posts and some of the encouraging comments that were left by friends, loved ones, and total strangers...

"Hey Ryan,

I am just returning to civilization...I have been in Bagdad....Kentucky, working at camp! I heard about the accident and wanted to leave you a message to let you know I was thinking about you and also to continue our POKE WAR...POKE! I didn't know if you were home or still at the Drake Center so if I could get an address I want to send ya some stuff. I am thinking about you and praying for you! Glad to hear that you are better and that you are still you... you know, the Coolest DJ alive and the sweetest!" - Jennifer Belcher, 23 June 2007

"Transfer class was good. Suzie has the patience of Job. She is cute, very nice, and soft spoken. She also seems to appreciate Ryan's attitude and his sense of humor. Ryan did very well transferring into our little car. It was no easy or small task! He had trouble figuring out the mechanics of it all... where to grab, what to do first, etc. but Suzie coached him, Ryan never lost his patience and soon he had mastered the task." - Ryan's Mom, 06 July 2007

"Ryan! We're all very excited that you'll be able to go home soon. I know that is probably a little scary too! Just stay on target so that you get to head home on time - drink plenty of water! Hang in there! Congratulations on the car transfer - we're really proud of you!" - Niki Engle-Cecil, 07 July 2007

"In OT, we went upstairs to the kitchen and Ryan cooked his chicken soup that Aunt Beverly sent -used the bowls to serve it and also baked blueberry muffins. He did really well except he couldn't reach the water at the sink with both hands. His fine culinary skills though are still in tact, not to worry!" - Ryan's Mom, 09 July 2007

"Hello smiley, MMMMMMMMMMMM when is the next meal? You can cook for me anytime, I'll send the menu. Can't reach the faucet to wash dishes? No problem. Dishwashers work wonders! (hah)

Great Job, I am very proud of you,
You have come a long way,
YOu take care
Love Ya" - Beverly Webster, 09 July 2007

"I also saw cards from Patricia, Rebekah, Aunt Beverly, President Taylor (UotC), River of Life UMC in Addison, OH and his Grandma, Papa, and Karen. -Those are just the ones I remember! Thanks to all of you who have sent cards, letters, packages, and carepage messages. It has made a tremendous difference and we just can't thank you enough." - Ryan's Mom, 10 July 2007

"Yippe! It's almost tomorrow (or probably is already tomorrow somewhere in the world) so hang in there, you're almost home! Make Shari stop by and get you some ice cream on the way home just to make the ride more pleasant. It was great seeing you last Friday. especially in that hot pink chair! Keep up the good work, you can do it!" - Kristy Adams, 11 July 2007

"Well we did it, the little brat is home!

Yesterday was a bit of a challenge but we made it...seems dear old dad thought of darn near everything......except the closer on the back storm door. We had to take a small time out to dismantle it whoda thunk that thing sticking out 2 inches from the door frame would be enough to keep the kid out of his house. But alas we got him in. Ryan was home about 2 hours yesterday and he said the therapists warned him that going home was a whole new ballgame and that there would be challenges at every turn. After navigating our 1900's era doorways and the carpet floor he said he now understands what the therapy babes meant." - Ryan's Dad, 13 July 2007

There are till lots more, after this one.. I could go for weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Takes me back -several thousand miles Love you! ❤ -S


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